Newcomb High School (9th-12th grade) and Middle School (6th-8th grade) student art work and creativity on display.


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Value Robots

Middle School - Elements of Art: Value

For this unit we talked a lot about value, meaning going from light to dark or dark to light.
Kids practiced this concept first with pencil, then with 1 color plus black and white, to create the value scale you see below.

The first row is black and white paint mixed to create the various values of grays.
The second row is the color, blue in this case, mixed with white, and the third is blue mixed with black.

Once all those steps were complete, the kids were ready to draw their robots!

We brainstormed all kinds of ideas and things one might find on a robot. The students then drew their own version, adding buttons and other gadgets to make it interesting.

The robots had to show 3 values of gray (light, medium and dark) with a white highlight added to the lighter value to make it shinny. All buttons and added details could be colored with paint, color pencils or markers as each student preferred.

So many cool robots to choose from it was hard to make a selection!


  • 12x18 in white paper
  • Tempera paint
  • markers
  • color pencils

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