Newcomb High School (9th-12th grade) and Middle School (6th-8th grade) student art work and creativity on display.


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Vase Faces Reversible Images

High School - Art1 - Elements of Art: Positive/Negative Space

We were studying a concept called "Reversible Figure-Ground Relationship," which is a fancy way of saying Visual Illusion. The idea is that it is hard to tell which part of the image is the "figure" - or "positive" shape/space, i.e. actual object drawn - and which part is the "ground" - or "negative" shape/space, i.e. background.

You've seen these images that flip back and forth when you change your eye focusing while looking at them, like this one for example:

Which do you see? The young woman or the old lady?

In our project, the two images are faces (human or animal) and a vase. Which do you see first? Can you see both?

Kids drew their face or animal of choice on a folded piece of construction paper, cut them out, unfolded and glued the piece onto another piece of construction paper to complete the illusion.



1 comment:

  1. I've always thought visual illusions were interesting and amazing.
    To be able to make them is awesome! Great job!
