Newcomb High School (9th-12th grade) and Middle School (6th-8th grade) student art work and creativity on display.




This school year of 2015-16 I find myself a shared Art teacher for both High School and Middle School classes on the Navajo Reservation in New Mexico. The kids here are wonderful and -for the most part- eager to participate and make something they can be proud of. I certainly I'm proud of the work they are doing.

This blog was created with the desire to share with their parents and community the incredible display of creativity, imagination and individuality, and let's not forget hard work and dedication, that is happening everyday in the classroom.

Middle school being new to me, I'm discovering new ways to teach for that age group and finding all sorts of fun crafty things for them to explore.

I invite you to stay awhile and join us along the year(s) as I post new pictures of what's happening in the classroom.


P.S. - I am slowly adding projects to catch up to this Fall 2015 semester with posts being backdated to where they should have been, so don't mind the dates and keep checking. This little note will be removed once I'm up to date. :)