Newcomb High School (9th-12th grade) and Middle School (6th-8th grade) student art work and creativity on display.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Sock Monkeys

High School - Craft

The kids did an absolute incredible job with these monkeys.

Looking for project ideas, I happened on one on the web and immediately knew we had to do this. Off I go to get socks, thread, and stuffing and we're in business.

Though it does look fairly simple, it took a lot longer than anticipated. The kids were all good sport about it and kept at it at a steady pace. The results are nothing short of cute and I'm very proud of what they accomplished. Some of the kids had never handled a needle before.

I've since seen a multiple of sock animals, so next year I might add more choices depending on what templates I can find - and as long as it only take a pair of sock for each.

  • 1 pair socks per monkey
  • thread
  • needles
  • stuffing
  • buttons for eyes

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