Newcomb High School (9th-12th grade) and Middle School (6th-8th grade) student art work and creativity on display.


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Chinese New Year Composition

High School - Art 1

For the high school Chinese New Year composition, I provided the students with several pages of Chinese characters, designs, cartoons and other Asian style illustrations.

From these they were to pick and choose and put multiple elements together to create their composition, altering any designs as they please to make it their own.

The final product had to be colored with color pencils.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

1 Point Perspective Room

High School - Art 1 - Perspective

After several days of learning and practicing 1 point perspective as a class, the students were ready to be set out on their own. They had to create their own room using the 1 point perspective technique.

The minimum requirements for the assignment were as follows:
  • 1 window
  • 1 door
  • 1 doorway into another area
  • 2 pieces of furniture

Dragon Puppets For Chinese New Year

Middle School - Craft

The Chinese New Year for 2016 fell on Feb. 8th. It's the year of the Monkey.

We discussed similarities and differences between the traditional Chinese calendar and the western calendar. Each kid got to find out what animal they were born under. I also read the characteristics for each of the animals represented in the room, creating a few laughter among the group.