Newcomb High School (9th-12th grade) and Middle School (6th-8th grade) student art work and creativity on display.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

1 Point Perspective Room

High School - Art 1 - Perspective

After several days of learning and practicing 1 point perspective as a class, the students were ready to be set out on their own. They had to create their own room using the 1 point perspective technique.

The minimum requirements for the assignment were as follows:
  • 1 window
  • 1 door
  • 1 doorway into another area
  • 2 pieces of furniture

Students tend to be very light with their pencil. I hope you can see the lines well enough in the drawings below.
I also neglected to take pictures before handing the assignment back to the kids, so I only have the small selection that were displayed in the glass case outside the room.

  • white paper
  • rulers
  • pencil
  • color pencil (opt)

1 comment:

  1. Great Job! Perception and illusion drawings are amazing!
